The company has modern plants to manufacture and test the products as per international norms which are especially designed to suit all weather conditions.
We keep in touch with the modern machinery and improvise for the same in our company, so as to meet with the modern equipment and improve our work.
Highly sophisticated electrical, electronic, dimensional and mechanical test systems are installed to demonstrate the quality of the company's wide range of cables.
We only provide to our customers top class and a wide range of cables after getting it thoroughly tested by our experts.
We focus on getting more – more units produced, more sales, more revenue – for less – less waste, less labor, and less cost. We focus on increasing revenue whilst operating our business efficiently. Total Quality monitoring systems are adopted to ensure that consistent, reliable, high quality products and services are provided at affordable cost
Throughout the span of ___ years the focus of the company was on total quality management (TQM) and its core values to win the trust of discerning users by providing the best quality cables that would work for years and maintaining good relations with the clients.
The computerized process monitoring system and quality control in cable production ensures consistency and reliability.We only provide to our customers top class and a wide range of cables that work for years and years.
Hecho has carved a bold niche for itself in the manufacturing of international standard cables and quality is never compromised at Hecho. We offer the best quality products to clients.